
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Signed up for

By Vasudev Ram

Excerpt from their about page:

[ is a platform for academics to share research papers. The company's mission is to accelerate the world's research.

Academics use to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics they follow. 2,436,810 academics have signed up to, adding 1,651,656 papers and 715,875 research interests. attracts over 5 million unique visitors a month. ]

They have funding of around $6 million from VCs, including:

- Spark Capital

- True Ventures

- Mark Shuttleworth (founder of Thawte - one of the first companies to provide a service of SSL certificates; I remember using Thawte at a startup I worked for years ago, and also founder of Ubuntu Linux)

- Rupert Pennant-Rea, Chairman of The Economist magazine

- Thomas Lehrman, Co-founder of Gerson Lehrman Group

Here is my web page on I'm going to add some of my software articles and posts to my account there, once in a while, mainly the more research-y kind of articles or posts. Added a few already. Good fun ...

Apart from the site serving as a platform for researchers to share their research more easily than via the traditional and slow peer review method, they also have an analytics feature, which researchers can use to see who is commenting on their research, and a job board, which may be of interest to people who are into research as a full-time career.

That does not include me (I only do research part-time as a hobby, and also as part of my work, as and when required - okay, also sometimes when not required :-), but I've seen that it often pays off in the medium term, not only long term). Anyway, I think their site's concept is a good one, so I'm blogging about it.

- Vasudev Ram - Dancing Bison Enterprises

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