
Friday, November 21, 2014

Google Contributor, a new monetization option for online publishers

By Vasudev Ram

I saw this via a tweet by GigaOm:

Google launches Contributor, a crowdfunding tool for publishers

Excerpts (shortened and partly re-worded) from the GigaOm article:

... Google Contributor, which is designed to allow web users to pay sites that they visit a monthly fee, and in return see no Google ads when they visit those sites.
the new feature is launching with 10 publishing partners, including Mashable, Imgur, WikiHow and Science Daily
the user who goes to the Contributor web site sees a list of participating web sites, and can decide to give them $1, 2 or 3 per month.
The site gets paid when the user actually visits it. The formula for payment is not specified in the GigaOm article.
Earlier, Google also launched a contribution system for YouTube video creators called “Fan Funding,” which allows viewers to donate anywhere from $1 to $500 to the channel of their choice.

Here is the Google Contributor site.

Based on the article, Google Contributor seems like a potentially good idea for web publishers, such as big sites as well as small sites and blogs. Time will tell, though, how useful it turns out to be. I signed up for an invite, and if I get invited, I'll try it out and may write about my experience with it, here on this blog.

Update: Here is another article about Google Contributor, by NextWeb:

- Vasudev Ram - Dancing Bison Enterprises

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