
Saturday, October 13, 2018

A Python email signature puzzle

By Vasudev Ram

[ UPDATE: I forgot to escape the less than and greater than signs in the code, so the code was a bit garbled.
Fixed now. My apologies to readers seeing the post twice as a result, via blog aggregators like Planet Python. ]

Hi, readers,

I sometimes use slightly cryptic Python code snippets in my email signature.

Can you figure out what output this Python program produces, and how it works, without running the code?
I folded some logical lines to multiple physical lines so the code does not get truncated.
for ix, it in enumerate([('\n', 2 >> 1), \
    ("larur ylurt", (8 >> 1) + 1), ('\n', 1 << 1),]):
    for tm in range(it[1]):
        print chr(ord(it[0][::-1][0]) - 2 ** 5) + \
            it[0][::-1][(1 >> 8) - (2 ** 8 - 1):] \
            if ix % 2 == 1 else it[0] * int(bin(4) \
            and bin(1), 2) * ix
If you could, how long did it take you to solve it?

I'll publish the answer in my next post, for those who could not get it.

- Enjoy.

- Vasudev Ram - Online Python training and consulting

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1 comment:

  1. Sorry, readers:

    The initial version of this post that I published, had a few typos: I had forgotten to escape some less than and greater than characters in the code snippet. Fixed it now. Apologies to those seeing the post twice as a result, via blog aggregators.


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