By Vasudev Ram
Reposting a PSF-Community email as a PSA:
Participate in the 2018 Python Developer Survey.
Excerpt from an email to the and mailing lists:
[ As some of you may have seen, the 2018 Python Developer Survey is available. If you haven't taken the survey yet, please do so soon! Additionally, we'd appreciate any assistance you all can provide with sharing the survey with your local Python groups, schools, work colleagues, etc. We will keep the survey open through October 26th, 2018.
Python Developers Survey 2018
We’re counting on your help to better understand how different Python developers use Python and related frameworks, tools, and technologies. We also hope you'll enjoy going through the questions.
The survey is organized in partnership between the Python Software Foundation and JetBrains. Together we will publish the aggregated results. We will randomly choose and announce 100 winners to receive a Python Surprise Gift Pack (must complete the full survey to qualify). ]
To my readers: I'll post the answer to A Python email signature puzzle soon, in my next post.
- Vasudev Ram - Online Python training and consultingHit the ground running with my vi quickstart tutorial, vetted by two Windows system administrator friends.Jump to posts: Python * DLang * xtopdfInterested in a Python, SQL or Linux course?Get WP Engine, powerful managed WordPress hosting.Subscribe to my blog ( by emailMy ActiveState Code recipes
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