Thursday, May 27, 2010

Muji - simplicity is deceptively complex

By Vasudev Ram

Update: I like to think of the term "no mark (Muji)" as meaning: no mark of the creator, only the creation. Of course, that may contradict the line in the Time magazine article that begins "What is foremost in the designers' thinking ...", but then, life is contradictory ...

I read this blog post about Muji today on John Maeda's site, The Laws of Simplicity.

Here is the post: Muji

I also commented on the post.

To really "get" the post, make sure to visit the Muji site. I started with the Message link on the front page.

Also, here is a Time magazine article: Feelin' Muji.

It was interesting to learn that Muji means "no mark" in Japanese.

Excerpts from the Time article:

... the creed of the design team is "The design that is not designed." That could be a Zen nightmare, but Yasui explains: "It might sound sarcastic, but it is the ultimate design--anonymous, free of décor, without mark. It is not a monster of functions. It is simple."

Sounds like a creed that some of our software industry titans (and hence we, the consumers of their products) could benefit from (emulating), hey?

The team's designs drive 55% of Muji's sales, about $1.5 billion in 2007

And finally:

"We think of what we want and why it doesn't exist. That's where we begin."

Vasudev Ram - Dancing Bison Enterprises

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