Sunday, February 13, 2011

Flask microframework real but was based on an April Fool's joke

By Vasudev Ram

I was interested to read that Flask, the Python microframework I recently blogged about, was based an earlier April Fool's joke by its developer:

PyCon 2011: Interview with Armin Ronacher - “Opening the Flask”

In his words, excerpted from the above post:

[ “My original frustration that lead to the April Fool's joke framework was the fact that some frameworks chose to re-implement WSGI […] just to be able to claim ‘no dependencies’.” From there, he decided it was worth a shot at creating a real framework based on his Werkzeug and Jinja2 projects. After all, people seemed to like the joke micro-framework idea, and a year later, people love it, so he’s doing something right." ]

- Vasudev Ram - Dancing Bison Enterprises

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