Tuesday, August 16, 2011

peerTransfer improves payment solutions for international students

By Vasudev Ram - dancingbison.com | @vasudevram | jugad2.blogspot.com

Seen on TechCrunch:

peerTransfer Raises $7.5 Million From Spark, Accel, And Maveron For Simple Payment Solution For Students:

Shortened link: http://goo.gl/RqcmG

Or go to the direct link:


Seems like a good idea. International payments - not just for students - could probably do with some improvements. As a personal example, I have had to drop the idea of subscribing to some services that I wanted to, at least for now, because there was no easy and secure way to pay.

Also, the peerTransfer founder created the service because he felt the lack of good services in this area as an international student - so he was fulfilling a real-world need - which is a good reason to create a startup, and one that is likely to make it succeed; as Paul Graham says (paraphrased), "make something people want - by making something you want". Of course, what you want may not always be the same as what other people want (and what others want enough to pay for) (*), but there is a good chance of that happening, if what you wanted is something practical and useful.

(*) In this particular case, though, peerTransfer does charge anything to either the colleges or the students who use its services - it claims that it makes its money via "wholesale rate foreign exchange".

peerTransfer is here: http://www.peertransfer.com/

About peerTranfer: http://www.peertransfer.com/what-is

peerTransfer team: http://www.peertransfer.com/management-team

And about that Paul Graham quote, see links below:

See the first paragraph at the above link.


- Vasudev Ram @ Dancing Bison

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