Thursday, October 6, 2011

Webify any desktop app quickly (conditions apply)

By Vasudev Ram - | @vasudevram |

Brilliant article by Cameron Laird ( @Phaseit on Twitter ):

Take your desktop application to the web in 15 minutes:

In brief, it describes how to quickly web-enable almost any desktop software application, for most operating system platforms, without modifying their code, mostly just by using VNC, a web server (almost any web server will do, including the one your organization currently uses), and a web page.

Note: this is not necessarily for a production, robust version of the web-enabled app. It is mainly to create a working web-enabled version of the app, and then use that as a basis for further improvement of various kinds, including helping with deciding on a production web-enablement approach.

The article is self-explanatory and definitely worth a read, for lots of people in the software field.

Posted via email

- Vasudev Ram @ Dancing Bison

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