Monday, June 11, 2012

Noelios, Restlet creator, launches APISpark

By Vasudev Ram

The creators of Restlet, an open source Java library for creating RESTful applications, are launching a web platform called APISpark, which they describe as the "first all-in-one online platform for web APIs". There are more details at this blog post on the new web site. Restlet is the new name of their company, formerly called Noelios. The older site will continue to exist.

You can sign up here to get more info about APISpark when it is available.

Disclosure: Your clicking on the above sign up link may give me faster access to the APISpark beta, due to the presence of the trailing "kid=" parameter. This is similar to what Dropbox and other sites do these days - referrals give you "credit" in some way. No other benefit to me.

Inspired by nature.

- Vasudev Ram - Dancing Bison Enterprises

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