Recently, something that I was working on made me think of creating a program to index text files, that is, to create an index file for a text file, something like the index of a book (*), in which, for words in the book, there is a list of page numbers where that word occurs. The difference here is that this program will create, for each word, a list of line numbers where the word occurs in the text file being processed.
(*) To be more specific, what I created was something like a back-of-the-book index, but for text files. I mention that because there are many types of index (Wikipedia), and not just for books. In fact, I was surprised to see the number of meanings or uses of the word index :-) Check the Wikipedia link in the previous sentence to see them. One type of index familiar to programmers, of course, is an array index (or list index, for Python).
Here is the program, called text_file_indexer.py, with a sample input, run and output shown below it. Comments in the code explain the key parts of the logic. Some improvements to the program are possible, of course. I may work on some of them over time. You can already customize the delimiter characters string that is used to remove those characters from around words.
""" text_file_indexer.py A program to index a text file. Author: Vasudev Ram - www.dancingbison.com Copyright 2014 Vasudev Ram Given a text file somefile.txt, the program will read it completely, and while doing so, record the occurrences of each unique word, and the line numbers on which they occur. This information is then written to an index file somefile.idx, which is also a text file. """ import sys import os import string from debug1 import debug1 def index_text_file(txt_filename, idx_filename, delimiter_chars=",.;:!?"): """ Function to read txt_file name and create an index of the occurrences of words in it. The index is written to idx_filename. There is one index entry per line in the index file. An index entry is of the form: word line_num line_num line_num ... where "word" is a word occurring in the text file, and the instances of "line_num" are the line numbers on which that word occurs in the text file. The lines in the index file are sorted by the leading word on the line. The line numbers in an index entry are sorted in ascending order. The argument delimiter_chars is a string of one or more characters that may adjoin words and the input and are not wanted to be considered as part of the word. The function will remove those delimiter characters from the edges of the words before the rest of the processing. """ try: txt_fil = open(txt_filename, "r") """ Dictionary to hold words and the line numbers on which they occur. Each key in the dictionary is a word and the value corresponding to that key is a list of line numbers on which that word occurs in txt_filename. """ word_occurrences = {} line_num = 0 for lin in txt_fil: line_num += 1 debug1("line_num", line_num) # Split the line into words delimited by whitespace. words = lin.split() debug1("words", words) # Remove unwanted delimiter characters adjoining words. words2 = [ word.strip(delimiter_chars) for word in words ] debug1("words2", words2) # Find and save the occurrences of each word in the line. for word in words2: if word_occurrences.has_key(word): word_occurrences[word].append(line_num) else: word_occurrences[word] = [ line_num ] debug1("Processed {} lines".format(line_num)) if line_num < 1: print "No lines found in text file, no index file created." txt_fil.close() sys.exit(0) # Display results. word_keys = word_occurrences.keys() print "{} unique words found.".format(len(word_keys)) debug1("Word_occurrences", word_occurrences) word_keys = word_occurrences.keys() debug1("word_keys", word_keys) # Sort the words in the word_keys list. word_keys.sort() debug1("after sort, word_keys", word_keys) # Create the index file. idx_fil = open(idx_filename, "w") # Write the words and their line numbers to the index file. # Since we read the text file sequentially, there is no need # to sort the line numbers associated with each word; they are # already in sorted order. for word in word_keys: line_nums = word_occurrences[word] idx_fil.write(word + " ") for line_num in line_nums: idx_fil.write(str(line_num) + " ") idx_fil.write("\n") txt_fil.close() idx_fil.close() except IOError as ioe: sys.stderr.write("Caught IOError: " + repr(ioe) + "\n") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("Caught Exception: " + repr(e) + "\n") sys.exit(1) def usage(sys_argv): sys.stderr.write("Usage: {} text_file.txt index_file.txt\n".format( sys_argv[0])) def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 3: usage(sys.argv) sys.exit(1) index_text_file(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # EOFHere is a sample input text file, file01.txt, that I tested the program with:
This file is a test of the text_file_indexer.py program. The program indexes a text file. The output of the program is another file called an index file. The index file is like the index of a book. For each word that occurs in the text file, there will be a line in the index file, starting with that word, and followed by all the line numbers in the text file on which that word occurs.I ran the text file indexer program with the command:
python text_file_indexer.py file01.txt file01.idxAnd here is the output of running the program on that text file, that is, the contents of the file file01.idx:
For 5 The 2 3 4 This 1 a 1 2 4 5 all 6 an 3 and 6 another 3 be 5 book 4 by 6 called 3 each 5 file 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 followed 6 in 5 6 7 index 3 4 4 6 indexes 2 is 1 3 4 like 4 line 5 7 numbers 7 occurs 5 7 of 1 3 4 on 7 output 3 program 1 2 3 starting 6 test 1 text 2 5 7 text_file_indexer.py 1 that 5 6 7 the 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 there 5 which 7 will 5 with 6 word 5 6 7- Vasudev Ram - Python training and consulting
This doesn't really use particularly Pythonic idioms. Here's the above re-written to take advantage of some of the language's features.
@burkean: 1) I wasn't trying to be particularly Pythonic, just writing clear code. 2) Your code gives syntax errors when run.
May I ask you, what debug1 does? I have never seen before. Your skript seem to be very usefull.
Best regards Michael
@Michael Harms:
Sorry, I should have mentioned that in the post. The debug1 function in the post is basically an improved version of the vr_debug function in this post:
See the comment by Grant on that post. debug1 is that improved version.
The line:
word_keys = word_occurrences.keys()
is duplicated – is this a mistake?
Yes, it is a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.
I have run the code and I got
TypeError('debug1() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given',)
@surya vamsi:
That seems odd, the code worked for me, and I did test it some, though not exhaustively. Also it has been up on the blog as well as on my page on ActiveState Code for years now, and no one else has mentioned this error. Did you change anything in the code? Also see previous comments on this post, to make sure you get the debug function's code and include it to run this program.
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