Friday, December 30, 2016

Jal-Tarang, and a musical alarm clock in Python

By Vasudev Ram

Hi readers,

Season's greetings!

After you check out this video (Ranjana Pradhan playing the Jal Tarang in Sydney, 2006, read the rest of the post below ...

Here is a program that acts as a musical command-line alarm clock. It is an adaptation of the one I created here a while ago:

A simple alarm clock in Python (command-line)

This one plays a musical sound (using the playsound Python library) when the alarm time is reached, instead of beeping like the above one does. I had recently come across and used the playsound library in a Python course I conducted, so I thought of enhancing the earlier alarm clock app to use playsound. Playsound is a nice simple Python module with just one function, also called playsound, which can play either WAV or MP3 audio files on Windows.

The playsound library is described as "a pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds."

Excerpt from its PyPI page:

[ On Windows, uses windll.winmm. WAVE and MP3 have been tested and are known to work. Other file formats may work as well.

On OS X, uses AppKit.NSSound. WAVE and MP3 have been tested and are known to work. In general, anything QuickTime can play, playsound should be able to play, for OS X.

On Linux, uses ossaudiodev. I don’t have a machine with Linux, so this hasn’t been tested at all. Theoretically, it plays WAVE files. ]

Here is the code for the program,
from __future__ import print_function


Author: Vasudev Ram
Copyright 2016 Vasudev Ram
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Description: A simple program to make the computer act like 
a musical alarm clock. Start it running from the command line 
with a command line argument specifying the number of minutes 
after which to give the alarm. It will wait for that long, and 
then play a musical sound a few times.

import sys
import string
from playsound import playsound, PlaysoundException
from time import sleep, asctime

sa = sys.argv
lsa = len(sys.argv)
if lsa != 2:
    print("Usage: python {} duration_in_minutes.".format(sys.argv[0]))
    print("Example: python {} 10".format(sys.argv[0]))
    print("Use a value of 0 minutes for testing the alarm immediately.")
    print("The program plays a musical sound a few times after the duration is over.")

    minutes = int(sa[1])
except ValueError:
    print("Invalid value {} for minutes.".format(sa[1]))
    print("Should be an integer >= 0.")

if minutes < 0:
    print("Invalid value {} for minutes.".format(minutes))
    print("Should be an integer >= 0.")

seconds = minutes * 60

if minutes == 1:
    unit_word = "minute"
    unit_word = "minutes"

    print("Current time is {}.".format(asctime()))
    if minutes > 0:
        print("Alarm set for {} {} later.".format(str(minutes), unit_word))
        print("Running in immediate test mode, with no delay.")
    print("Alarm time reached at {}.".format(asctime()))
    print("Wake up.")
    for i in range(5):
except PlaysoundException as pe:
    print("Error: PlaysoundException: message: {}".format(pe))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Interrupted by user.")

Jal Tarang image attribution

The picture above is of a Jal Tarang.

The Jal Tarang is an ancient Indian melodic percussion instrument. Brief description adapted from the Wikipedia article: It consists of a set of bowls filled with water. The bowls can be of different sizes and contain different amounts of water. The instrument is tuned by adjusting the amount of water in each bowl. The music is played by striking the bowls with two sticks.

I've watched live jal-tarang performances only a few times as a kid (it was probably somewhat uncommon even then, and there are very few people who play it nowadays), so it was interesting to see this video and read the article.


- Vasudev Ram - Online Python training and consulting

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1 comment:

Vasudev Ram said...

P.S. Forgot to mention (in the post) how to run the musical alarm clock program (and don't want to edit the post, since it may then show up twice in some RSS readers / aggregators).

You run it like you run the earlier alarm clock app that beeps - the one linked to near the top of this post. The post about that app has examples of how to run it. (The comments and the code in this current post also show how to run it.)

Anyway, here is how:

# To test and set the volume level - adjust your
# PC speaker volume while the command is running:
python 0

# To actually run the alarm clock - for 5 minutes from now:
python 5

And as said in the previous post, you can always put the above command (parameterized with a command-line argument) into a batch file (Windows) or a shell script (Unix) so that you can type something shorter like:

alarm 5

That's the way I use in in real life, and it is handy. I use it to remind me about the start and end time of training sessions, work meetings, and many other things.