Some months ago I created this digital clock in Free Pascal / Lazarus on Windows, in my copious free time. It's simple, without any frills, but works well for me. I have been using it daily as the Windows clock utility I use on my PC to check the current time whenever I need to [1]. Here is a screenshot of this clock:
[1] I do wear a watch (digital, natch :) and have a mobile phone which shows the time and even has a clock app, but see:
A simple alarm clock in Python (command-line)
Jal-Tarang, and a musical alarm clock in Python
I usually run it (this latest clock) manually at PC startup (it's called DC, so I just have to type that and Enter). (It could be put into some Windows script or folder so that it starts automatically.) To see the clock, I just have to Alt-Tab over to it, or click on it in the Windows taskbar. In fact, even if I just hover my mouse over its icon in the taskbar, I can see the clock and the current time that it shows - and watch it changing too, right there :)
- Vasudev Ram - Online Python training and consulting
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